2011年8月16日 星期二

崇高的八正道-The Noble Eightfold Path

英文原著Bhikkhu Pesala

世尊告訴了我們實用的方法,稱之為崇高的八正道(Noble Eightfold Path),只要能夠充分地依據這八個道理來修行,您將可以真正認識到、達成及實現解脫生死的真諦,那麼,這將意味著「苦」的停止。如果,您可以證得涅槃,您將不會對真正的「法」產生疑義,因為,您已經親自體會到佛教的目標。




The Noble Eightfold Path
The practical method that the Buddha taught is called the Noble Eightfold Path. By following this path fully one can gain insight knowledge, leading to attainment of the path and its fruition, which means to realise nibbāna, the cessation of suffering. If one can attain nibbāna, one will have no doubt about the real Dhamma, since one has personally realized the goal of Buddhism.

To attain nibbāna one must develop insight knowledge through the constant practice of mindfulness. The eightfold path is a gradual path that must be cultivated through training in morality, concentration, and wisdom. If one practices the path, confidence in the power of mindfulness will steadily grow, but doubt is not completely eradicated until one attains the first path and its fruition with the realization of nibbāna. Before that life-changing experience, however, one will attain the lower stage of insight knowledge — “Purity by overcoming doubt” — which will confirm one’s faith in the importance of practice. Even at this early stage of insight, a meditator will have firm confidence in the real Dhamma, and will understand the need to develop the practice further. He or she will no longer be content with outward forms of Buddhism.

The Noble Eightfold Path can be divided into three trainings: morality, concentration, and wisdom. These should be practised in parallel. To be perfect in morality before trying to develop concentration and insight is not essential, but one should live by sound moral principles.


持戒的訓練應包括三個方面:正業(行)(right action)、正語(right speech)和正命(right livelihood)。這意味著要清淨而遠離一切邪妄、合乎道理之語,以及如法取得生活所需的行為。佛教的目標將會使您體知到生命的真相以及獲取內在的平和,因此,任何一個的行動、言語,和生計都應該隨時反省其目的是否合乎佛陀所教的正法,以及這些行為應該都是平安、無害、真實和誠實的。智慧的表現,端看持戒的道德行為,而道德行為的動機,卻是智慧,那麼,便能夠瞭解到正道的本質以及人類了不起的價值。

Morality (Sīla)
The training in morality consists of three aspects: right action, right speech, and right livelihood. This means action, speech, and livelihood that are harmless. The aim of Buddhism is to realise the truth and gain inner peace, so one actions, speech, and livelihood should reflect that aim — they should be peaceful, harmless, truthful, and honest. The manifestation of wisdom is seen in moral conduct, and the motivation for moral conduct is wisdom, which understands the true nature and great value of this human existence.

正業(行)(right action




Right Action
Any action that harms living beings is not right action. To fulfil right action we must refrain from killing or injuring living beings. Even the smallest insects do not wish to be killed. If we kill mosquitos, we defile the mind with hatred. We can take precautions against getting bitten, but we should not destroy life.

Stealing is also not right action. No one likes to have their property stolen. If we steal from others we are defiling the mind with greed. All forms of stealing should be avoided, including fraud, embezzlement, and breach of copyright. We should not take anything that is not freely given to us, which is not rightfully our own property, gained by our own skill and effort.

Sexual desire should be kept within decent limits. Most human beings are very fond of sexual pleasure. To attain nibbāna it is not necessary to become a monk or nun, renouncing sexual pleasures entirely. However, one should avoid sex that hurts or exploits others. To practice meditation seriously with the aim of attaining nibbāna, one should temporarily give up all sexual activity, speech, and thoughts.

正語(Right Speech




Right Speech
Whatever we say has an effect on others. If we tell deliberate lies then we are far away from the realization of truth. Even if we tell “white lies” or tease others, the mind will be impure. Right speech is beneficial to others. Sometimes we may have to say things that are hurtful to others, but we should be careful that our intention is always good. Criticising and scolding others to humiliate or dominate them is not right speech. However, parents and teachers, employers and monks must admonish and instruct others to maintain discipline. It is not a kindness to allow those under one’s charge to do whatever they wish. Experienced workers will have to train junior staff to avoid costly or dangerous mistakes, parents should teach their children good manners, teachers should discipline their students, and monks should instruct the laity in the Dhamma. This should be done with firmness, but also with tolerance and compassion.

Right speech is conducive to harmony. Everybody has both good and bad qualities. If we speak only about a person’s faults to others they will suffer a loss of their good reputation. Slander and gossip are very harmful in society. If we advise others about someone’s dishonesty to protect them from harm, this is right speech, because the intention is good, but if we just want to disparage others it is wrong speech.

Right speech should have a useful purpose. Talking to amuse others, inciting others to anger or greed, or bragging about one’s own achievements, is not right speech. One should think before speaking, just as one should think before spending money, otherwise one will soon become poor in wisdom.

正命(Right Livelihood



Right Livelihood
To earn a living one should do some honest work. If one harms other living beings to earn a living, that is wrong livelihood. A Buddhist should not sell alcohol, weapons, or pornography. Any activities that increase the defilements of others should be avoided. Most entertainment, advertising, and high-pressure selling are not right livelihood. It is better to remain poor than to make bad kamma.

The work that you do has a powerful effect because you spend a lot of time working. If you want to attain nibbāna in this life, try to choose a profession that alleviates suffering, then you can make wholesome kamma for the whole day. A worker’s value to an employer must be greater than his or her salary. To avoid being exploited, a worker must acquire as much knowledge and skill as possible. Highly skilled workers are always needed. Any fool can do a fool’s job.




要訓練精神意識的集中,必須包括正精進(right effort)、正念(right mindfulness)和正定(right concentration)。正精進意味著勤奮的努力,來留心不被六塵所染。正念意味著不間斷的關注。正定則意味著在每時刻間皆能連續的了悟到:塵境總是在改變,心意總是再三地去關注每個新的塵境,且不會錯過任何最輕微的事。

Concentration (Samādhi)
Joy, peace, and happiness arise in the mind. Disappointment, frustration, sorrow, and grief also arise in the mind. Therefore learning to control the mind is the most important thing in life. We need to distinguish between sensual happiness and spiritual happiness. Sensual happiness arises when we get something. Spiritual happiness arises from giving up something, or from contentment and gratitude with what one has already. However, both are connected with feeling, and both lead to suffering when they disappear. Nibbāna is not connected with feeling, and it does not change or disappear. One who attains nibbāna gains unimaginable bliss that cannot be destroyed by anyone, or any change of circumstances.

Nibbāna cannot be seen, heard, smelt, tasted, nor touched, but it can be known by the mind. To realise nibbāna the mind needs to be very well-trained, and deeply concentrated. The mind needs to be turned inwards, away from the noise and bustle of worldly activity, to focus attention on the activities and nature of the mind itself. To do this effectively requires constant effort — if left unrestrained the mind will wander here and there endlessly. One must make a constant effort to observe the mental and physical processes occurring at every moment, then the restless and undisciplined mind will gradually become steady. With practice, the mind becomes tranquil, alert, and extremely pure. This purified and concentrated mind can understand things as they really are. Then the truth of suffering gradually becomes clear. As the truth of suffering becomes clearer, confidence in the Dhamma will become firmer, and one will make a more determined effort to practise meditation. It is like making fire by rubbing two sticks together. Effort must be vigorous, continuous, and uninterrupted. As the sticks get hotter, that is not the time to take a rest. One must strive harder still to make fire.

Training in concentration consists of right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Right effort means strenuous effort to be mindful of each object that appears to one’s mind. Right mindfulness means uninterrupted attention. Right concentration means continuous awareness from moment to moment — though the objects themselves are always changing, the mind repeatedly notes each new object, without missing the slightest thing.


般若意味著正思維(right thought)和正見(right understanding)。正思維努力淨化塵垢的心,和思考心色聚合過程的道理。正見則是正確的理解或是正確的看法,正見,它分為二種:世俗的和出世的。在第一次的達到「道」及體會涅槃之時,出世的正確看法是要根除我執 (有身見,執著於我或我所為實有) 。體認以後,修道者便會成為聖者,並且能夠永遠脫離下界輪迴。我執的錯誤見解是深深地根源於所有存在的生命之中,並且,難以去除,除非,您能在實踐禪定當中,洞察佛陀所教導的真理。

在佛陀的時期,許多人在遇見佛陀或傾聽他的教學以後悟道,但是,在早先的生活中,他們是從實踐禪定的當中,完善的洞察到生命真相。在一個不得少於六個星期的密集禪定訓練中,能夠獲取佛法體認之人是非常罕見的->大部分的人得花費多年的青春歲月,才能達成。但是,任何一個聰明的人,皆能透過禪定的訓練以及謹慎的對佛「法」進行研究,來洞察到較為低階的知識與獲取到世俗的正見。在獲得這世俗的正見以後,可以稱為一位實踐的佛教徒,因為,您建立的正確道路將通達涅槃。實踐的佛教徒將會對佛陀、法、僧、羯磨(kamma,業)的定律及緣起(dependent origination)有堅固的信心,他們將會瞭解到佈施的好處,以及去做其它令人敬佩的行為,並且,他們將會從三種錯誤的觀念中解脫

Wisdom (Paññā)
Wisdom means right thought and right understanding. Right thought strives to purify the mind of defilements, and to investigate the true nature of the body/mind process. Right understanding or right view has two levels: mundane and supramundane. On attaining the path and realising nibbāna for the first time, supramundane right view eradicates self-view (sakkāya-ditthi). After that realisation, the meditator becomes a Noble One and escapes forever from rebirth in the lower realms. Self-view is deeply rooted in all living beings, and cannot be removed unless one practises insight meditation.

In the time of the Buddha, many people gained realisation after meeting the Buddha or listening to his teaching, but they had mature insight from practising meditation in previous lives. It is rare to find anyone who can gain realization in less than six weeks of intensive meditation practice — most people take many months or years. However, any intelligent person can gain mundane right understanding by practising insight meditation to the lower levels of insight knowledge, and by making a careful study of the Dhamma. After attaining this mundane right understanding one can be called a practising Buddhist, as one is established on the path leading to nibbāna. Practising Buddhists will have firm confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, the law of kamma, and the law of dependent origination. They will appreciate the benefit of giving alms and doing other meritorious deeds, and  they will be free from three gross wrong views:–

第一種:信仰上帝(Belief in Almighty God)



Belief in Almighty God (Issarammanahetuditthi)
This extreme view holds that everything is the creation of Almighty God. Those who hold it maintain that everything that happens to a person is the will of Almighty God. As such, it ignores the effect of a person’s own actions.

Not everyone who believes in God holds this wrong view. Many believe that God creates living beings, but nevertheless accept that whatever good or bad actions a person does will give a result — “As a man sows, so shall he reap.” This view is partly right as it does admit the importance of kamma. However, it is partly wrong because it does not accept the importance of kamma in the matter of causing rebirth. Those who maintain the fatalistic view that God alone is responsible for the happiness and misery of people can never escape from suffering unless they renounce this gross wrong view.



Fatalism (Pubbekatahetuditthi)
This extreme view holds that everything is the result of previous kamma. This view is also partly right because some effects are the result of kamma from a previous life. However, it denies the importance of present actions, knowledge, and free will. Those who hold it maintain that liberation from suffering will come in due course to all without the need for any effort. This gross wrong view is also a serious obstruction to the realisation of the path and its fruition.

第三種:無因無緣(The Theory of No Cause)




The Theory of No Cause (Ahetukaditthi)
This extreme view holds that there is no cause for anything. Everything is the result of blind chance. This view is completely wrong as it denies past kamma, and present effort too. Obviously, no one holding this view would ever strive for, let alone attain, the path and its fruition.

Buddhism is a way of practice leading to the arising of right view. When one rightly understands human existence as it really is, then one will gain firm confidence in the Buddha’s enlightenment. One will understand that freedom from suffering can be gained only by training the mind to abandon craving, which is the cause of suffering. Once right view becomes firmly established, one will dedicate one’s life to the practice of the path leading to liberation from the cycle of existence.

Not all Buddhists hold right views. Right view implies more than superficial adherence to Buddhism. One must follow the Dhamma, aspiring to realise nibbāna. If one aspires only for success in this life, lacking faith in future existences, one is still “one-eyed” and attached to wrong views.

3 則留言:

  1. 依八正道來進修智慧禪


    前兩天,我和你們談起兩件事實。我說世間沒有男人、女人、我、你和他。 當我在弘法時,很多聽眾這樣問我:如果沒有我、你和他,那麼是誰在修禪呢? 當我在外埠弘法時,人們很喜歡問我這個問題,這裡卻沒有人問我這個問題,所以我就自問自答了。

    二千五百七十三年前,釋迦太子悟道成佛後,弘法四十五年,其中教法包含了八萬四千法門。 如果依照這麼多的法門去學,不是很複雜嗎?所以我現在把他們作概要的敘述。

    概述的結果,我們可以得到三十七道品(或幫助悟道的因素)。 其中包括四念處、四正勤、四如意足、五力、五根、七菩提分和八正道。加起來共卅七種。

    為了方便修行起見,我們又可以再把他們概述。概述的結果剩八正道。 他們即是正見、正思惟、正語、正業、正命、正精進、正念、正定。

    八正道又可以再歸納為三大類:正語、正業和正命歸納為戒的修行; 正精進、正念和正定歸納為定的修行;正見和正思惟歸納為慧的修行。 如果我們把八萬四千法門歸納起來學習,就是戒、定和慧的修行。

    佛陀在還沒有涅槃時,把這三種修行歸納為一類--Vaya Dhamma Sankhara Appamadena Sampadetha-- 意為所有緣起的現象,都有其生滅的本質,你們要清清楚楚去分辨觀察它。

    這清清楚楚去分辨,意思包含很廣。它告訴我們諸惡莫作,眾善奉行, 和在觀察的那一刻,聽、嗅、觸和思惟的那一刻,都要了了分明。 簡單地說,是要我們在每一刻中清清楚楚地分辨我們的一舉一動。

    這告訴了我們,雖然我們沒有深入經藏,但是在修禪時,能夠清清楚楚地分辨現象的生滅, 就是在跟隨著佛陀的教導。


    除了以上三種正道屬於戒律的修行外,還有正精進、正念、正定、正見和正思惟五種。 可是當我們在清清楚楚地觀察時,這五種正道很自然地包括在內觀法裡。


    每當膨脹與收縮的動作呈現時,你們用心盡量去觀察它,這用心觀察是屬於正精進。又每當膨脹時, 我們能夠清清楚楚地知道,是因為有正念。


    在觀察膨脹時,你沒有去分別那一個是膨脹的動作,那一個是精神。但是事後回想起來, 可以分別出那一個是精神,那一個是物質。膨脹為一種現象,而知道的心又是另一種現象, 這種見解名為正見。

    有時候我們的注意力不能集中在目標上,此時能夠把它放回目標上的,就是正思惟的作用, 它引導我們的注意力,使觀察集中在基本目標上。

    當我們談起正思惟、正見、正精進、正念和正定時,可以分開來各別說明,但是在修禪時, 這五種現象是分不開的,他們一齊呈現,也一齊消失。

    當正精進比較明顯時,我們把這組合的心稱為正精進。如果正定比較明顯,我們把這五個組合的心稱為正定, 其他三種也以同樣的方式去區分。這五種正道巴利文稱為 Karaka Mangganga 意思是活動的現象。

    所以如果有人問你:如果說沒有我、你和他的存在,那麼又是誰在修禪呢? 你可以用兩種解答:一種是根據世俗法的解答,一種是根據真理的解答。

    依照世俗來說,是我、你或他在修禪,可是依照真理卻沒有你、 我和他在修禪,只有這五種現象在修禪,即是正見、正思惟、正念、正定和正精進在修禪。

    所以每當我們在觀察膨脹,收縮、坐姿、站姿或接觸時,雖然不懂以上的佛理, 但是他們已經很自然地包括在內,你應該感到慶幸才是。

    我是修禪的老師,每天的責任是要你們去觀察和學習內觀,我已盡了我的責任。 你們的責任是去修行和觀察,以求得內觀的智識。



  2. 網頁搬遷到


  3. Thank you so much for your precious teaching, I want to continue to learn from you. Amitabha.
